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Baby Constipation

Pattern defecate on baby indeed change. So how can you know that the pattern defecate on your baby is still quite normal?

Dispose Pattern Large Water Baby On general

For newborn babies, normally he will defecate as much as up to 4 times each day. This will last until he was 7 days. For children aged 2 years, including normal, if he can defecate 1-2 times a day. Children age 4 years and have the same pattern with its CHAPTER adults - 1 times each day.

Well, because not every child has the exact same pattern, then generally a baby or child will be considered an obstruction, if it is not until Chapter 2 weeks or more.

Therefore, you need not be too worried if you see your baby seems to struggle hard, sometimes even up to redden while CHAPTER, although sometimes not fesesnya thin and hard. He is still learning! You must also remember ... you do the baby while lying CHAPTER lho, not like adults ... So, reactions like this are still normal.

When situation come to a head?

If you find your baby having conditions such as the following, then flee to a doctor check:

1. Feses / dirt is hard
2. Fever
3. There is blood in the stool
4. Difficult to increase body weight
5. CHAPTER failed for the first time in 24 hours after birth

Baby Exclusive breastfeeding in the period

If your baby is still in a period of exclusive breastfeeding have not alias-Feed breastfeeding than the still-classified as normal if it was not until CHAPTER 1 week. Sometimes even after 1 week fesesnya was not hard at all.

This is caused by the breastmilk is very easily digested by your baby's body and this also means that most of the ASI can be well absorbed by the body.


  Kenny Dimitra

May 4, 2009 at 2:41 PM

halo reva berkunjung kembali di sore hari...Reva minta YM nya donk biar gampang chat..pliisss add ya kenny.rocknroll@yahoo.co.id

  Hendri Andreas

May 7, 2009 at 1:40 PM

Very interesting article.
Fail for the first 24 hours after birth is indication abnormality nerve at colon.
Keep share.

  Kenny Dimitra

May 9, 2009 at 6:25 PM

halo say....dimana kenny bisa follow nya...kok gx ada widget follower nya :-?

  Kenny Dimitra

May 9, 2009 at 6:26 PM

say artikel kamu di kritik tu sama andre :D...

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